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How to Leverage Excel in Your Day-to-Day Work

How to Leverage Excel in Your Day-to-Day Work

Excel is the Top End-User Application Excel has been a valuable tool for people in many different professions for some time now. Many careers require that applicants demonstrate their knowledge of this Microsoft program. Almost every user knows the basic features that Excel offers, which includes data gathering, storage and analysis, but even daily Excel […]

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The Importance of Custom Excel Spreadsheets

The Importance of Custom Excel Spreadsheets

The need to see data with clarity will never disappear in business. A spreadsheet that is well formatted, flexible and professional looking reduces the potential for errors and misinterpretation. Excel offers a nearly universal means by which to communicate data and numbers. Excel has been around since 1985, and it’s one of the few software […]

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5 Ways to Improve Microsoft Excel Skills – Excel Training

5 Ways to Improve Microsoft Excel Skills – Excel Training

Excel Training: 5 Ways to Improve Microsoft Excel Skills Every day, millions of files around the world are created, opened, and edited in Microsoft Excel. As an original member of the Microsoft Office Suite, the cross-platform spreadsheet software has evolved over the decades to meet the demands of engineers, database programmers, accountants, administrators, educators, publishers, and […]

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Microsoft Excel for Streamlining Work Processes

Microsoft Excel for Streamlining Work Processes

Microsoft Excel has been around for years, but that only means the software has continually improved to better meet the needs of modern businesses. Many small companies use Excel to help with their simple accounting tasks, but Excel offers much more than these basic functions. Companies that work with complicated financial analysis rely on Excel. […]

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Excel Best Practices for Office Staff

Excel Best Practices for Office Staff

Like hiring processes and company publications, spreadsheets benefit from standardization and consistency among all staff. When employees follow company-wide conventions and formats, the documents they create are likely to be better understood, easier to read and more reliable. Additionally, others in the organization will be better able to edit worksheets designed according to a common […]

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How Lawyers Can Use Excel

How Lawyers Can Use Excel

Excel VBA Applications for Data Intensive Cases In today’s data-driven world, even lawyers are inundated with more information than they know what to do with. When cases are data-intensive, a whole different set of skills is needed to shed light on the facts. But before the strength of a case can be assessed and before […]

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Excel Applications for the Life Sciences Industry

Excel Applications for the Life Sciences Industry

At ExcelHelp.com, our expert Microsoft Excel VBA developers have built applications for a wide variety of purposes in the Life Sciences Industry. In this post, some of our recent work will be highlighted to demonstrate the possibilities. Regulatory Compliance Tracker Temperature and Humidity Tracker Patient Progression Dashboard Quote and Work Order Generator Regulatory Compliance Tracker […]

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Excel Oil Pipeline Applications

Excel Oil Pipeline Applications

Excel Oil Pipeline Applications are Imperative to the Oil & Gas Industry If you are struggling to find a cost effective way to analyze and use your inline pipe inspection data, contact us at Excelhelp.com. We have worked on pipe inspection data for several companies and have proven our ability to understand the requirements and […]

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Managing Budgets in Excel for Multiple Operating Units

Managing Budgets in Excel for Multiple Operating Units

Managing budgets can be difficult, especially when you own your own business. ERP and Accounting systems usually fall short. Most likely your most recent ERP or accounting system upgrade has brought improvements that benefit your organization. However, when it comes to developing and managing budgets, does your system still leave you with a painstaking set […]

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Excel Content Management Systems: The Importance of Rules

Excel Content Management Systems: The Importance of Rules

Is your Excel Content Management System complex and difficult to use?  Have you ever watched a sports match on television where you have little to no understanding of the rules? The players on the field know how to play the game, but you, the onlooker, are woefully confused about it all. Imagine, then, what might […]

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Using Microsoft Excel for Bill of Materials

Using Microsoft Excel for Bill of Materials

Using Microsoft Excel for Build of Materials will save you time, money and unwanted headaches. For example, let’s take a look at the restaurant industry. For most restaurants, the process of taking a customer order, providing the requested menu item, and handing over a printed bill is fairly straight-forward. The restaurant hosts are familiar with […]

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Why You Should Hire an Excel and Access Developer for Your Company

Why You Should Hire an Excel and Access Developer for Your Company

If you have a growing business and your internal operations are having a difficult time keeping up with the demands, the first solution might be to hire more workers to take on the additional responsibilities that come with new clients. If you do this, then you might not be profiting, because while you’ve gained revenue […]

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