How Excel Help Remotely Works for Your Company
Friday, November 25th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
Did you know that you don’t have to step one foot outside your office to improve your software management system? What this means for you and your business is that you now have the opportunity to select the best software developers to improve your internal work processes without restricting yourself to companies in a certain […]
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Excel VBA Programming and Macros: What You Should Know
Tuesday, October 18th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
Anyone who takes the time to apply him or herself can create a useful macro. You don’t exactly have to be a programming expert to do this. What’s more is that creating these macros can have such a big impact on your current work process, you just might be considered a programming expert by some […]
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3 Most Common Excel VBA Programming Solutions
Thursday, September 29th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
When it comes to dealing with different objects, methods and properties in Excel, it’s going to take an experienced Microsoft Excel VBA programmer to understand and manage it all. VBA, also known as Visual Basic for Applications is a custom programming language that all Microsoft Office applications can understand. In short, Microsoft VBA allows you […]
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Excel VBA Solutions and the Benefits for Your Company
Thursday, September 8th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
The worst type of mindset to have when operating a business is the old school thinking that “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. We have seen many companies sell out or just shut down altogether because they didn’t “fix” what wasn’t “broke”. Just because certain processes have been working well and have even proven […]
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Does Your Business Need a Microsoft Excel and SQL Developer?
Tuesday, September 6th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
If you’re managing a business or corporation the answer is yes, you do need a Microsoft Excel and SQL developer. Whether you’re operating a start-up business or have been managing a corporation for years, one task will always remain constant: ensuring that your company is operating like a well-oiled engine. The best way to do […]
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4 Reasons to Use an Excel Consultant
Wednesday, August 24th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
Almost 99% of businesses use Microsoft Excel software because it has a reputation for reliability and it’s effective. What most of these businesses might not be aware of is the scalability of this tool. Most companies may already know that Microsoft Excel allows you to figure out data by giving you the option to sort, […]
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VBA Programming in Microsoft Excel
Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
What is VBA? VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications. It is the tool used to create programs that can control Microsoft Excel. VBA is not to be confused with Visual Basic (VB). That’s an independent programming application. While each of these applications has similarities, they are quite unique in their own right. For the […]
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Excel Spreadsheet Applications – 10 Attributes of the Best
Tuesday, June 28th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
For individuals and businesses, Excel makes life easier when processing and calculating data. However, Excel spreadsheet applications can be used to automate these tasks as well as simplify or customize even more complex processes. Everyone who has worked with computer programs has used applications which seem to work intuitively. These applications increase productivity and also […]
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Excel to Cloud Database: Why You Should Hire a Consultant
Friday, June 17th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
Most companies may already be using Microsoft Excel and those that are continuing to grow are quickly discovering that they may be outgrowing simple spreadsheets as a solution. This is where can assist you. A division of eSoftware Associates Inc, specializes in creating custom hybrid Excel Cloud Database solutions that are designed to meet […]
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How To Partition your Mac Environment to Windows
Tuesday, June 14th, 2016 / by ExcelHelp
Partitioning a hard drive allows multiple operating systems to run on a single device. In order to partition a Mac to Windows, Boot Camp Assistant software is required which will provide Windows 7 software or later. 1. The first step requires a restart from your Mac’s normal startup disk. Once the Mac has restarted press […]
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